Major difference in chikoo prices in Goa and Mumbai
Travelling is worthwhile mainly for comparing the differences in the prices of food items in goa and mumbai. For example the fruit sellers in goa are selling 5 or 6 chikoos for Rs 50 in goa , though there are plenty of chikoo trees in goa, laden with chikoo fruit, which no one appears to be harvesting or picking. On the other hand, prices of chikoos in mumbai are Rs 20 for 8, or rs 30 for 12 ,(one dozen)
In fact on 14 October 2017, a chikoo seller was pricing the chikoos at 8 for Rs 10, though they were smaller
An old lady bargained with the chikoo seller and got the chikoos for Rs 1 each, 10 for Rs 10. The chikoos in Mumbai are also sweeter. This clearly shows that in Goa, agriculture, is not very well managed, and a lot of fruits are wasted leading to higher prices